Hotels in Chernobyl

Hotels in the Chernobyl zone

After every exhausting and long trip, people always want to rest. The concept of «rest» is different for many people, however, basic components are usually the same – warm water in the shower, deep sleep on a comfortable bed and, just as important, delicious breakfast. These criteria not only help to regain your strength and get ready for various types of activities but also are responsible for general impressions of the trip.

If you want to go on a multi-day tour of the Chernobyl zone, where every single day is dozens of kilometers traveled, a lot of emotions, hundreds of obstacles overcome and numerous contacts, then a night in warm bed in a hotel room will be a great gift for you at the end of the day.

Thrill-seekers are attracted to the Exclusion Zone: off-limits objects, intact flora and fauna, wonderful samosely, abandoned cities and rural towns, – you can see all that in the territory of The 30 km Zone. Residents of surrounding regions aren’t the only ones who go there to see the unique place with a sad history, the tourists from overseas often go there as well. The majority of those, who came from far away, aren’t interested in one-day tours, they choose two-day or multi-day trips.

It’s no wonder that you can’t do without a hotel in the multi-day tour. You can stay for the night in the exclusion zone, there’s a couple of continuously operating hotels, which can accommodate brave tourists. Before you ask, it’s worthy of note that even thought the hotels are located in the Chernobyl zone, your stay is absolutely safe-health. The radiation background in hotel rooms does not exceed the acceptable standard, in simple words, it doesn’t differ from the background in big cities. «Desiatka» hotel, for example, is 20 km from the nuclear power plant, in the heart of the Chernobyl zone, but that doesn’t stop hundreds of travelers from staying there for the night. «Desiatka» is no different from the other low-cost hotels in Ukraine: simple rooms with cosmetic repair and shower and café onsite. But people stay at this hotel not for top-level comfort, but for a full set of impressions of the exclusion zone.

Nevertheless, if you aren’t ready to spend the night in the territory of Chernobyl, it’s not a problem. There’s a lot of hotels, hostels, hotel and entertainment complexes near the zone, which are ready to provide their services. You can choose a hotel in the Zone according to your personal standards and preferences. There are nice hotels 30 minutes from the border of the Chernobyl zone, which is comfortable for tourists with private vehicles. Many guests from overseas choose hotels in Kyiv because this is a wonderful opportunity to see not only the exotic Exclusion Zone but also the capital of Ukraine. You shouldn’t worry about a transfer, scheduled bus trips from Kyiv to the Exclusion Zone regularly take place, you can also arrange for the personal transportation or a car rental.

You can discuss the options of the hotels for the night in more depth when buying the tour. Customers’ desires are always taken into account, so you’ll enjoy the tour for sure!

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Tours to Chernobyl

1 day

One day tour

2 days

Two-day tour

3-7 day

Multi-day tours to Chernobyl

1+ days

Exclusive tour